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客戶問題: In line 39, you changed to "The number of cell cultures obtained was more than expected…" But I think "The number of cell cultures were more than expected…" is appropriate. Which is better "was" or "were"?
Note that a singular/plural verb is used based on whether the subject is singular or plural. Also, when using "the number of," you should use a singular verb. In the mentioned sentence, the subject is "number," which is singular, and the definite article "the" is used. Therefore, "was" is the appropriate verb in this case.
Please rest assured that the edit is correct, and we hope that the explanation is satisfactory. |
In the 4th line of Material & Method section, "Ethanol solution of 6-MP" was suggested to be changed to "6-MP ethanol solution."
Question: I am wondering that sentence should not be started with Arabic numerals.
Thank you clarifying the change.
In this case, the numeral 6 in the term "6-MP" does not signify a quantity or a measurement and is a part of the compound name. Hence, the rule about a sentence starting with a numeral does not apply here. For example, a sentence can start with "5-Carboxymethyl…" but not "5 patients were enrolled." Moreover, since the edited term has been used later in the document, you may retain the edit
客戶問題: Thank you for your editing. I have questions about third paragraph. Why do you use the word “parameter”?
What differences between the word “parameter” and “categories”?
Thank you for your questions. We have changed “categories” to “parameters” since each of the three phrases, “the era of the works,” “the genre,” and “the narratives”, are characteristics of art. Multiple categories can be created for any one parameter. For example, if you distinguish works of art based on their genre, they can be categorized into renaissance art, abstract art, postmodern art, etc. Thus, the usage of the word “parameters” here is appropriate.
客戶問題: About Paragraph 2,line1 Tag 2.1
Visual Thinking Strategies is not textbook but art appreciation materials.( for teacher's guide) How can I write it?
Based on your clarification, we feel that “resources” is a better word for “materials.”
However, resources for art appreciation such as Visual Thinking Strategies, a teacher’s guide published by Visual Understanding in Education…
客戶問題1: You said I should mention the limitations of the investigation in the Introduction section
But what exactly are you pointing out? limitation has the meaning of "limit", "realm", etc, but what exactly are you pointing out?
Thank you for your response.
Note that journals usually encourage the mention of limitations of the study in the Introduction and Discussion sections. By "limitations," we mean the "obstacles" or "problems" faced during the course of the study, which may have hindered or affected the results in some way, i.e., factors that may affect the outcomes of the study or are important to interpretation of the study findings. The commonest examples are small sample size, volunteer bias, incomplete follow-up, etc.
Please consider mentioning these in both the above-mentioned sections only if applicable to your present study.
客戶問題2: In the Acknowledgements, you refer to this in the more common term “slaughterhouse.” Please check if you can use one term for consistency and reader clarity.
Reply: Ok, I will use “abattoir” in the manuscript for consistency.
Thank you for clarifying and acknowledging this.
客戶問題: Cover Letter: Please submit, as part of the covering letter with the manuscript, the names, full affiliation (department, institution, city and country) and email addresses of up to 5 potential Referees.
Reply: I will do that.
Thank you for acknowledging this.
客戶問題1: Thank you for your helpful editing. I made following change after editing: "A discrepancy of 14 mm or <14 mm between MRI and pathological major axis size occurred in 50% (5/10) of cases." Is it OK?
Thank you for your response.
Please make the following minor revisions:
"A discrepancy of 14 mm or <?14 mm between MRI and pathological major axis size occurred was observed in 50% (5/10) of cases."
客戶問題2: I want to change note 6 as follows. Is this change all right?
BEFORE: 6 Fujita interview. Fujita called the book "a best seller among legislators."
AFTER: Fujita called the book "a best seller among legislators" in the interview with the author.
Yes, you may revise the sentence as suggested.
Could you tell me which is better I use "crops" or "cropping"?
In line 27 of final file with insertions and deletions, "gap between crops."
Note that the usage of terms "crops" and "cropping" differs with the context. The term "crop" refers to the yield of a plant in a single growing season and "cropping" is usually used to refer to the period when this yield occurs (cropping of spring wheat or cropping time). Nevertheless, you may revise the sentence to "Early sprouting could therefore allow us to fill the gap between cropping periods" for further clarity.
Dear corrector
Thank you for editing, I have more questions, and e-mailed to you.
I am going to submit journal. The words limit of abstract is 250, but the word count of my abstract is over (273 words). So I removed the sentence reluctantly, "The incidence of obesity at baseline examinations was 3.7% and the incidence of individuals who developed obesity over the 5-year follow-up was 1.6%."
Please comment my decision was appropriate or not.
Thank you for your response. Note that the sentence mentioned by you for deletion represents the key results of the manuscript and would hamper the clarity as well as flow and transition of the abstract since the subsequent sentences are linked to this sentence. Therefore, we are providing a concise version of the abstract, which is well within the prescribed word count of the journal (Present word count ~248 words). Please check. [revised abstract was provided]
The instructions to authors say that a running title not exceeding 35 letters and spaces should be provided. So I have to shorten to "Heart function affects hip fracture results." I hope you will give me a good idea.
Thank you for your response.
Note that in order to achieve the desired character count of 35 characters (including spaces), as specified by the journal guidelines, we suggest you to retain the original running title, i.e., "Heart function affects hip fracture" for accuracy.