英文潤稿、英文校稿、論文校稿 英文潤稿、英文校稿、論文校稿 英文潤稿、英文校稿、論文校稿 英文潤稿、英文校稿、論文校稿 英文潤稿、英文校稿、論文校稿


客戶推薦Enago英文編修,服務快速,給的建議中肯且符合欲投稿期刊需要, 文章經一次reviewer minimal revision 就接受(IF 2.X),過程比前兩篇SCI第一作者文章過程順利。值得推薦。THANKS!

- 邱炳芳, Taiwan 彰化基督教醫院

客戶推薦這篇文章曾被影響因子(impact factor) 1點多分的雜誌退稿,後來經您們的編修後,竟能投稿至影響因子2.6分的雜誌並被accept,實在始料未及,也令作者群們格外的欣喜。這篇文章也是經您們修改後第一次投稿就順利被接受,謝謝您們。

- 鄧仲仁, Taiwan 台北榮民總醫院

客戶推薦感謝Enago的英文編修,對我的幫助很大,今天已收到paper acceptance letter,近日還會送一篇過去改!

- 李景欽, Taiwan 高雄醫學大學


- 黃家健, Taiwan 台中中興大學

客戶推薦 Enago的迅速服務及穩定編修品質值得讚許!

- 顏旭亨, Taiwan 彰化基督教醫院


-Jean, Taiwan 雪梨大學

客戶推薦使用貴公司高階編修服務不僅修改速度快 也使文章很快被期刊所接受刊登 大幅減少往返修改的時間與精力 是一個值得推薦的好網站 謝謝你們

- 許晉杰, Taiwan 三軍總醫院


- 楊志雍, Taiwan 馬偕紀念醫院

Cover Letter Writing

Journals and publishing houses mandate a cover letter along with most submissions. In fact, a cover letter is the first document a journal editor reads.

Enago’s cover letter service helps clients who do not have time to write a cover letter and are unaware of what to write in the cover letter.

We offer the following cover letter services:

  • Initial Submission Cover Letter
  • Re-Submission Cover Letter
  • Custom Cover Letters for High Impact Journals

Initial Submission Cover Letter

This is used when you first contact your target journal for submission. It is designed to capture the complete basic information of your manuscript, such as brief summary, purpose of submission to the target journal, and others. The main component of a cover letter is the “brief” description of the findings. This service provides options to generate a cover letter on the basis of your comfort in writing the description and your requirements!

  Free Editing Translation Writing
Client Requirements I can write the description on my own, and I just want to prepare a template immediately to reduce time and effort. I have written a draft in English and would like you to edit that. I would like to express myself in Chinese and want you to translate it. I will only give you my manuscript, and you prepare the entire cover letter.
Fee Free NT$ 1,800 NT$ 3,000 NT$ 3,500
Character Limit for Summary - 400 Words 400 Words According to the journal guideline
Turn Around Time Instant 2 working days 3 working days 3 working days


Re-Submission Cover Letter

Most manuscripts are not accepted at the first attempt and have to be revised and re-submitted. This service can be chosen when re-submitting your manuscript. A re-submission cover letter has many components. This tool guides you on the different parts of the re-submission cover letter.

  Free Translation (DE=Editing)
Client Requirements I can write the description on my own, and I just want to prepare a template immediately to reduce time and effort. I would like to express myself in Chinese and want you to translate it.
Fee Free NT$ 9,000
Character Limit for Summary - 1200 characters
Turn Around Time Instant 5 working days


Custom Cover Letters for High Impact Journals

Many journals have a fixed set of information that needs to be submitted in order to avoid mixing of information when publishing in high impact journals. We have broken down the complex guidelines of 5 high impact journals (Nature, Science, Cell, Journal of the American Chemical Society, and The Lancet) to a simple format in order to ensure the highest quality. These cover letters will be edited by senior editors who are published authors.

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